Meet your Strategic Consultant - Jesse

Hi, I'm Jesse

As I mentioned on the cover, I am the Account Executive at Studeo that you will be working with.

As a newer member of the Studeo team, I am excited to get to know you and your business. My goal is to help answer any questions you may have about our interactive storytelling strategy, as well as share insights as to how top performing agents are utilizing our solution to overcome some of the challenges they are facing in the industry.
Every day I get the chance to meet very successful agents and learn about the work they've done to get them to the top. One thing they all have in common is they are constantly looking for ways to get better.

This job has given me the opportunity to help elevate the business of hard working entrepreneurs like yourself to that next level, which has been very rewarding. I can't wait to hear your story!
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Before Studeo

My first job out of college was in collections where I spent most of my days getting yelled at - happy those days are behind me!

I was introduced to sales, working with Oracle NetSuite, where I spent 2+ years helping NonProfit organizations in Canada/US improve their operations. I learned a lot & it felt great to help teams of people who genuinely care about their communities!
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Outside of work

When I'm not working, I'm out exploring & enjoying outdoor activities - it's still hard for me to believe I dove into that 5 degree lake.. but that view!

I'm also a huge animal lover, currently living with 3 cats (that's not a typo) and an adorable puppy named Chip. They love the lime light and love to make appearances on zoom calls so feel free to say hi when you see them!
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Growing up

I grew up in this house in Mississauga, ON, about 30min west of Toronto. A proud mama's boy, family and friends are my world! I made the tough decision in 2020 (some might call it a covid-induced quarterly-life crisis) to move to British Columbia.

Since then, I've met some amazing people and I've had the chance to travel a lot more, taking trips to Mexico, Dominican Republic, and Las Vegas in 2022!
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Jesse Grant
Sales Representative
Studeo Real Estate Inc.
Independently owned and operated.
123 Main Street, Metropolis, ON 1A2B3C